
Myspace Pregnancy Countdown Clocks

Ultrasound Video from 1-27-09

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's Shower Time

I am a little behind in posting as it was quite a busy weekend for us. I had my first baby shower this weekend. What fun! My mom's best friend Ann through a lovely shower at her home for my mom's friends. It really meant a lot that they would all come together and do something so nice for me. Sadly, the only thing missing was my mom. She would have loved it all. She always loved baby showers. Almost everyone we invited and expected to come did which was nice.

We got lots of great stuff to get Jennifer started out on the right foot. From a high chair, to clothes, to blankets, and more clothes. This will be a very well dressed little girl. We almost needed a truck to bring it all back. My Aunt drove down from Dallas just for the special day.

Since my mom is gone we thought it would be neat to have everyone in attendance share some advice with us as new parents. Well my sisters in law stole the show on this one, Rachel in particular had the entire group in stitches. Her advice- "Don't stick the thermometer up the baby's butt" Sarah's advice a little more practical- "I can barely take care of myself let alone give advice, but I am free to babysit!!" I found it humourous.

It was a great weekend and I will post some pictures tonite.