
Myspace Pregnancy Countdown Clocks

Ultrasound Video from 1-27-09

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Big Reveal

Well Christmas time is upon us and Simon and I are very excited because this is when we plan on telling his family. We originally planned on telling everyone at brunch on Christmas Day, but we had a small change of plans. We ended up telling everyone before Christmas Eve at dinner. It was fun! We did stockings with the girls (Rach and Sarah) and Josh along with my dad and brother. Then we gave everyone in the room a box wrapped up like a present (well it was a present) They opened the box and in it were shirts that said Aunt 2009 or Uncle 2009! Everyone was quite surprised........ However, the biggest surprise for the girls was that their parents kept the scret too! They could not comprehend that their parents had not told them already. They were quite shocked to learn that Annette and Alan had known since October that they were going to be grandparents.

I think everyone was excited to know there would be a new member of the Scott family come June.

Check out the video of everyone's reaction!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

One Trimester Down- 2 to Go!

Our last dr. appointment before we tell the family about our little secret.

This dr. appointment was very nerve racking. The nurse came in tried the doppler again and was unsuccessful. Since we were at 13 weeks- we should hear the heartbeat by now. So she asked a second nurse to come in. The wait for the second nurst to come in was horrible. Simon was pale. I was nervous, but was pretty confident because I knew how sick I had been feeling.

The second nurse finally came in and tried for several minutes and finally we have it A HEARTBEAT. Simon jumped out of the chair high enough to dunk a basketball! Wow what an experience.... to hear this little heartbeat just a working and it is not your own. Simon began to high five the nurses and we could rest a little easier.

The dr. finally came in because she was doing a delivery- poor baby- Christmas birthday's stink! let me tell you. The dr. felt pretty confident that even though we had some problems at the beginning we were well on our way to being parents. She thought our "big reveal" should go off without a hitch. But she had even more news for us as well. Our next appointment would be in about 4 weeks, however if we pushed it back a couple of days we could have the anatomy ultrasound then and not have to wait even longer. Simon and I were all over that! So we were able to make our next appointment for Jan. 27th

I will update more in a bit, I have to return to work now!

Bad Blogger!

Ok I am horrible at taking time to write on my little blog- so I am going to try to catch everyone up very fast-

Dec. 8th - we had a dr. appointment and it was pretty uneventful. They still could not hear our shy little shrimp on the doppler so an on the belly ultrasound was required. When they couldn't hear anything on the doppler; that is when Simon and I both hold our breath until- YES there it is the little hear beating away at a 150 beats per minute. We have another appointment in two weeks, the week of Christmas right before the Big Reveal!

Between dr appointments- my days are spent exhausted and sick. I am usually sick all day- forget this morning sickness crap - it is sick in the morning - usually it starts about mid-morning and it stops when I go to sleep. Many nights leaves me just moaning about how crappy I feel. Poor Simon has not had a home cooked meal in weeks. Oh well- dad it is your fault i feel this miserable :-)

Christmas Shopping- well my dr. has me on limited activity until we get through the first trimester so that makes Christmas shopping extremely hard. Thank Goodness for the internet. For most of you if I could not order it online- you probably did not get it. The weekends I am able to get out a little more because I can rest when I am home.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Getting Closer

Well I said, I would update this if we went to the dr. appointment on the 24th.........well we went and I forgot to update........

All is well.

I threw up last nite- yuck. Poor simon tried to put my hair up, but we learned he needs a lesson in using a pony tail holder. Other than that the nausea has gotten a little better. Our last dr. appointment went ok. They tried to hear the heartbeat with a doppler (a special stethescope), but we were unable to so we did another ultrasound. This time they did it on top of my tummy rather than transvaginally. We could not see a thing as far as the baby goes, at least I could not. We could see the heart flickering on the screen so what a relief. Other than that all I could make out was a black blob with a flickering light in the middle. But the heartbeat is the most important thing.The doctor seemed very pleased and since she knows what she is looking at, then we took her word for it. We go back to visit on the 8th. She is seeing us every two weeks until we finish the first trimester- so hopefully it will be smooth sailing after that. We plan on telling Simon's family at Chrismtas which should be very fun. The only other excitement for the visit was the bill! We received the bill for delivery. Boy daddy was excited. (not) Baby's are expensive.
Until next time!