
Myspace Pregnancy Countdown Clocks

Ultrasound Video from 1-27-09

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pitter Patter

The ultrasound was today!

What a long experience, but well worth every second of it...... They tell you to drink 16-32 oz of water, but then they leave you sitting in the waiting room so long you have to keep going to bathroom and then you start over drinking water again........ it was a vicious circle! BUT to the good stuff...........

Simon was able to come with me and they took several pictures of our baby- it was just a little bean, but it was OUR little bean. And then we looked at the screen and there was this little flickering light moving so fast - the tech informed us that was the heartbeat- what a relief everything looked ok. We even got to hear it. The little bean was beating at a 150 beats per minute. Of course, Dad believes it is his best work yet. It was really exciting watching his face light up when looking at the screen, although I thought we were going to have a friends moment because I had a hard time locating anything. (you know what I am talking about when Ross and Rachel go to the dr. and Rachel is unable to see the baby) he he.

The radiologist came in and said everything looked great and normal. That my next ultrasound would be at 18 weeks and that is when they will be able to determine the sex......... That perked Simon up right away...... They told us how far along we were and gave us a due date- The due date they gave us gave me quite a chill- but leads me to believe our little angel has his or her own angel watching over. June 27, 2009 is the expected date and if you don't know that is the day my mom left us this year. It is my firm belief that my mom has played a large part in this - and rather than be so sad because of her passing - celebrating a new life is what she has planned.
I have been sicker than a dog and feel nauseated about 50% of the day, but it just reminds me that things are going well.