
Myspace Pregnancy Countdown Clocks

Ultrasound Video from 1-27-09

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Initiation Rite # 2- The Mom-Mobile

Well in order to be a well equipped mom every new mom needs a Mom-mobile. This is a vehicle used to shlep kids and their necessities from point to point. It also has many other functions and names- i.e. soccer mom car. It is usually bigger than a regular sedan as you have lots more to carry SUV's, Vans, and now crossovers should be what you are imagining. I am happy to say I am now one step closer to being the well equipped mom.

My wonderful husband bought me a brand new as in I am the first owner- SUV. Check it out above.

Now this doubles as my push present (def. push present- a gift given from a new dad to a new mom after she has just "pushed" out his child) even though I have not gone through the whole childbirth thing yet, but you can bet he will remind me about this purchase and his sacrifice while I am screaming my head off. We traded in my car and his second car-his weekend driver mercedes. He loved that car, but felt it was time for it to go.

They did not have what I wanted in Houston so we drove all the way to San Antonio, but it was worth the drive. I love my little car!!!