
Myspace Pregnancy Countdown Clocks

Ultrasound Video from 1-27-09

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bad Blogger!

Ok I am horrible at taking time to write on my little blog- so I am going to try to catch everyone up very fast-

Dec. 8th - we had a dr. appointment and it was pretty uneventful. They still could not hear our shy little shrimp on the doppler so an on the belly ultrasound was required. When they couldn't hear anything on the doppler; that is when Simon and I both hold our breath until- YES there it is the little hear beating away at a 150 beats per minute. We have another appointment in two weeks, the week of Christmas right before the Big Reveal!

Between dr appointments- my days are spent exhausted and sick. I am usually sick all day- forget this morning sickness crap - it is sick in the morning - usually it starts about mid-morning and it stops when I go to sleep. Many nights leaves me just moaning about how crappy I feel. Poor Simon has not had a home cooked meal in weeks. Oh well- dad it is your fault i feel this miserable :-)

Christmas Shopping- well my dr. has me on limited activity until we get through the first trimester so that makes Christmas shopping extremely hard. Thank Goodness for the internet. For most of you if I could not order it online- you probably did not get it. The weekends I am able to get out a little more because I can rest when I am home.