
Myspace Pregnancy Countdown Clocks

Ultrasound Video from 1-27-09

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dr. Dr. Tell Us the News

Our first dr. visit was pretty routine. We went in earlier than most just to be as safe as possible with this pregnancy. They determined we were about 5 weeks along- so would have to go to the hospital the following week for an ultrasound to determine viability. Dr. said everything looked fine, she examined me and said so far so good. She determined until December she wanted to see me on avg of every 2.5 weeks. We scheudled the ultrasound and were off.........

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It All Starts Here

Simon was not feeling well- a little too much fun at the Texans game, but little did he know he was going to get the shock of his life that afternoon. With my period missing in action I headed for the bathroom when we returned home from work. Fully expecting to be disappointed and thinking I miscalculated- you could not believe my surprise when the YES sign began to flash. I screamed bloody shrill sound and ran through the house- only to bump into Simon running towards me............... We are going to be parents I exclaimed loudly. With his mouth full of pizza and a slice in his hand - the blood drained from his face and said- ?WHAT? I said look doesn't it say yes? He reviews the stick and says uh huh- so what does that mean. We're pregnant- I said! He hugs me, then puts his pizza down (he said he suddenly lost his appetite) and we celebrated!

Hello and Welcome

So I figured I would start this journal so you could all keep up with what is going on with our pregnancy. Especially since we are waiting until the end of the first trimester to tell everyone- I figured you could come back and see what we went through during those secret weeks.