
Myspace Pregnancy Countdown Clocks

Ultrasound Video from 1-27-09

Monday, October 26, 2009

No "NUNsense" baby

Here are a few more from our weekend.........

Daddy only hopes the nun idea becomes a reality

Who is the Cutest Pumpkin in the Patch?

We had a blast this past weekend enjoying the lovely weather at the outdoor festivals around town. We went to the Pumkin Patch and picked out our pumpkin and took pictures. We also got to spend some time with Aunt Sarah and Aunt Rachel which was a lot of fun.

Here are some pictures from our "festive" weekend:

We Love Company

We were very excited when Melly and Shelly came over a visit. Now we are just waiting on Aunt Robina to come down and we will be all set!! (hint, hint)

Daddy- I think you need my help

This was too cute not to post. Jennifer is now old enough to use her Exersaucer, so she and Simon put it together. I think she "supervised" while daddy talked to God a lot!!

Check it out:

I will not cry, I will not cry

Well we got Jennifer's first school picture and she looks like she is saying to herself I will not cry, I will not cry........OR the picture dude just got done yelling at her.

Needless to say Simon and I got a good laugh. We will harass her with this when she gets older!

See for yourself.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cereal it Does a Body Good

Well we attempted our first "solid" food on Sunday night. I am not quite sure why they call it "solid" as it resembles a liquid more than a solid. It was quite funny. Jennifer seemed to kind of like it, but was also quite perplexed. You would put the spoon in and you could tell she was curious what it was because her eyes would get real big, then out it came all over. She was really more interested in chewing on the bib than she was in eating the food.

Here's some pics from the experience!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

4 Months Old

Jennifer is now 4 months old, I can't believe it. My baby is growing up right before my eyes. Before you know it we will be packing her up for that long drive to Lubbock for college.........OH I'm getting ahead of myself here :-)

We had our 4 month appointment yesterday and she received a GLOWING report from the doctor. He was very impressed with her progress. Move over Gisele and Cindy - this girl is tall!!! She is in the 95th% for height and 50th% for weight and head circumference. The doctor even commented on how tall she is for her age.

Here are the stats from yesterday:
Height 25 3/4"
Weight 13 lbs 12 oz
Head Circ 15 1/4"

On another exciting note - It is time to break out the high chair!! Yep we get to try solid food. Now this will be a fun experience. We start with single grain cereal- we picked oatmeal. It sounded better than the other options. I can't wait to see how this goes. The doctor gave me the instructions and told me not to get frustrated- that never sounds to good. Informing me that the first few attempts would result in her (and probably me) wearing most of the food.

I will update you on how that goes when we try- probably sometime this week.

On a sadder note- we will be heading to Palestine today in honor of my mom's birthday and to see how the new headstone looks. Plus paw paw is wanting to hang out with our little munchkin.

She was not too happy after those shots she received, but here are some pics from yesterday before we went to the doctor.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We took Jennifer to an Astros game. Thinking since the team was doing so bad that there would be no one there and it would not startle her too much!! HOW WRONG WE WERE! It was a little much for this little diva. But now we know. Maybe next year.

Go Red Raiders

My little Red Raider showing support for mom's team.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First Day of School

So September 14th was Jennifer's first day of school. It went ok. I of course cried. The week before she went Wednesday through Friday for a few hours a day to get used to it, but I still wasn't sure she was ready. Of course if I had my way she would never go to daycare, but I don't want to live on the streets so day care it is!!!

She seemed to handle it way better than mommy. They said she only cried when they were trying to get her down for a nap, which is par for the course around here. I'm also so excited because she will have her first school pictures taken. Can't wait to see how those turn out.

Jennifer is the youngest in her class, but next week a new baby starts who may be a little younger than her- I'm not sure. They seem to have a great system worked out there. The infant class is in the back and only the teachers are allowed in her room. There is a window I can watch through whenever I choose. I spent most of last week glued to the window checking things out. There are 6 babies - I don't know how those ladies handle it. I thought my one was a handful.

She seems to be adjusting well.

I am so sad that my work has now blocked this site- so updating this blog has gotten even harder. But here are pics from her first day of school.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where does the Time Go?

Well,,,,,Jennifer is 12 weeks old today. I don't know where all the time has gone. She is rapidly changing before my eyes. I weighed her yesterday at Merry Go Round and she is 11 lbs 14 oz- almost 12 lbs!!! Crazy. I am enjoying my last week home with her before I go back to work. I actually go back on the 14th, but next week we have Nursery transition.

We go on Tuesday for orientation and then Jennifer goes Wednesday-Friday for a few hours each day so she can get adjusted. But who are we really kidding- it is more for me to adjust. I am having a really really hard time with this going back to work thing. I have already started crying.

Other than that everything is great. She sleeps through the night, is very alert and loves to talk to us. She also enjoys watching Mamma Mia with her grandma and going with them on long walks.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

All Caught UP!! YEAH!!

I am finally caught up on posts. I will continue to update as often as I can. I still have a few weeks at home with my baby before I return to work. I am dreading that process. Hope everyone is doing well!

Tracy, Simon, and Baby Jennifer


Round 2- Photos

I took my sisters in law with me the second time around. I was determined to get some photos. I also figured I would try out a couple of places so I could determine whose photographers/packages, etc I liked the best.

The girls were a HUGE help and we were able to get some great shots. Here are a few.

Our Trip for Photos- 6 weeks old

Our trip to get pictures done was not as pleasant as I would have liked. We followed all the suggestions, she was fed and rested, and was in a general good mood that morning- at least until we got to picture time. The photographer did a great job trying to get some shots. However, I have learned that babies sense fear and anxiety and the more she screamed the more anxious we got therefore the louder she got. BUT I was able to get the one shot I wanted for announcements.

Here is the photo- I love it.

First Bath

Jennifer's First Bath

Parenthood- What a Laugh

All I can say about the last 2 months is it has been quite amusing at times. Having a baby has to bring out every emotion that exists in this world. I have never been so happy about something - yet brought to tears the next.

Here are 2 few of the funnier moments:

One evening Jennifer was rather colicy and would not stop crying, finally I just sat down and started crying too. Simon wakes up when he hears a new cry (I guess) and says ok, if you keep crying then I am going to cry too. What are the 3 of us going to do if we are all crying? I have no idea since it made me laugh.

At the doctor with my mother in law in tow to help out since Simon had to work. You undress down to a dry diaper. So I take off the wet one, go to put on the dry one and all of a sudden she blows A$$ everywhere. I start laughing and turn to my mother in law thinking she will be a big help- and I had to peel her off the floor she was laughing so hard. We did get it cleaned up though.

More Homecoming Pics